Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is a broad and complex field
within the world of engineering and has close relations
to many other fields. It is an important economic fac-
tor for all industrialized countries and the global market
allows for wide international competition for products
and processes in this field. To stay up to date with
scientific findings and to apply existing knowledge in
mechanical engineering it is important to renew and
continuously update existing information.
The editors of this Springer Handbook on Mechan-
ical Engineering have worked successfully with 92
authors worldwide to include chapters about all relevant
mechanical engineering topics. However, this Hand-
book cannot claim to cover every aspect or detail of
the mechanical engineering areas or fields included,
and where mechanical engineers are currently present
and contributing their expertise and knowledge towards
the challenges of a better world. However, this Hand-
book will be a valuable guide for all who design,
develop, manufacture, operate, and use mechanical arte-
We also hope to spark interest in the field of me-
chanical engineering from others. In this Handbook,
high-school students can get a first glance at the options
in this field and possible career moves.
We, the editors, would like to express our gratitude
and thanks to all of the authors of this Handbook, who have devoted a considerable amount of time towards
this project. We would like to thank them for their pa-
tience and cooperation, and we hope for a long-lasting
partnership in this ambitious project. We would also
most sincerely like to thank our managers and friends at
Springer and le-tex. The executives at Springer–Verlag
were always most cooperative and supportive of this
Handbook. Without Dr. Skolaut’s continuous help and
encouragement and Ms. Moebes’ and Mr. Wieczorek’s
almost daily requests for corrections, improvements,
and progress reports it would have taken another few
years – if ever – to publish this Handbook. Stürtz has
done a fantastic job in printing and binding. Finally we
would like to thank all the people we work with in our
departments and universities, who tolerated the time and
effort spent on this book.
Finally, we know that there is always room for
improvement – with this Handbook as with most en-
gineering products and approaches. We, as well as the
authors welcome your fair hints, comments, and crit-
icism. Through this Handbook and with the authors’
efforts, we would also like to draw your attention to
what has been accomplished for the benefit of the en-
gineering world and society

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